This is a floating javascript menu.
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/ / Navigation / Absolute Floating Menu / Absolute Floating Menu Close Link/Button
Last updated: 07 Jan 2011
Absolute Floating Menu Close Link/Button
The javascript demonstrated on this page is a close button/link option for the Absolute Floating Menu script. It can be placed on both page body and on the floating DIV itself.
Script demonstration
Click the buttons to show/hide the floating menu box.

Show the floating menu    Hide the floating menu
Script source code
To use the script perform the following steps:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
/* Script by:
 * Version: 20110107
 * Latest version:
floatingMenu.hide = function()
    return false;
} = function()
    return false;

  • When you need to hide the menu, call floatingMenu.hide().
  • When you need to show the menu again, call For example:
<button onclick="">Show</button>
<button onclick="floatingMenu.hide()">Hide</button>
<a href="#" onclick="return">Show</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return floatingMenu.hide()"">Hide</a>
Browser compatibility
The javascript snippet above was tested on the following user agents:

Mozilla/Netscape Firefox 2.0.x Ok.
Firefox 1.5 Ok.
Firefox 1.0.x Ok.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Ok.
Internet Explorer 6.0 Ok.
Opera Opera 9.x Ok.
Opera 8.x Ok.
KHTML Konqueror 3.5.5 Ok.
Safari 3.1.2 Ok.
No Javascript or
Javascript turned off
Any The show/hide effect just will not happen.